Hi and welcome to the Money is Choices blog. The reason for this blog to exist is to educate, inspire, inform and share thoughts and ideas on FREEDOM.
It might look like the main focus is money but it’s simply the most effective tool available to attain freedom within this constructed reality we find ourselves living in.
It’s not a judgement on money, we don’t care whether it is good or evil, all we care about is the FREEDOM that it brings us.
Those who do promote the whole “money is evil” thing are either completely programmed or they are the programmer. It’s usually the former though as the programmer rarely has to make an appearance because they’ve done such a great job on their programming of the population.
Money is actually choices. Money is Power. Money is Freedom.
Why would an entity want to deprive the population of any of those things? The only possible logical answer is: Control!
Logically, money is taking back control. You become the driver of your life and choose which path to take. Many continue to work in their jobs as they enjoy them, some will choose to live in party-mode for the rest of their lives, and others will create wonderful things.
The key is WE choose, not the government or big business or any other entity looking to control our lives.
So this is not a money blog on how to buy the most luxury goods and how to flash your cash on social media. It’s a money blog on how to set yourself free from wage slavery and to live a life of creation.
We want humanity to start evolving again.
Money is Choices.
moneyischoices says
Just checking that comments work on the shiny new money and finance blog.