I'm sure they're out there but I have never met a free human being that planned for and worked hard to achieve their freedom who sits on the beach or plays computer games all day everyday. Some might do those things a whole lot more when they first free themselves from the slave system but that gets old pretty quickly. All of the free people I know of live much more meaningful … [Read more...] about Free People Are Better People
Investing Articles to Retire Early
Below is a list of all the investing articles published on the Money is Choices website. The newest articles are at the top of the page. Full List of Money Articles … [Read more...] about Investing Articles to Retire Early
ETF Index Fund Portfolio Update + Dividends
September was another challenging month for stocks. Since I started this whole ETF investing thing a few months ago I am yet to see an up month! The ETF portfolio value is still increasing each month but only because I'm adding new money and my portfolio size is still quite small. I'm not complaining though as it simply means I'm buying stocks cheaper. This is a forever … [Read more...] about ETF Index Fund Portfolio Update + Dividends
Vanguard ETF Portfolio Update
September was a challenging month for stocks worldwide but if you're investing for the long term and you're focusing on increasing your dividend income then it really shouldn't be a problem. Actually you should be smiling more as companies will be cheaper to buy. The stock market is really the only place of commerce where people see discounts and run out the door. It's like … [Read more...] about Vanguard ETF Portfolio Update
I Call Money “Units of Freedom”
Most of my life I have had mixed feelings about money. Is money good? Is money bad? Do I deserve to have an excess of it? Are those who have money just greedy pigs? Does money make me a better or worse person? And on and on and on. The system has purposely designed it that way too. From the beginning the ruling class could see that money and wealth are actually choices, … [Read more...] about I Call Money “Units of Freedom”
You Are Poorer Than You Think!
I've seen the same money message repeated a million different ways by as many financial writers trying to tell us we're richer than we think! Simply by being born into a first world country and having access to clean water, electricity and the many other conveniences that come with the good life. And in many ways I agree with the pundits, we are very lucky. In many regions … [Read more...] about You Are Poorer Than You Think!
What is the FIRE Movement? (Financial Independence Retire Early)
F.I.R.E. is an acronym which stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early. It's an online movement of people who are focused on retiring early by living frugally, increasing income, and investing every dollar they can now. It's said that the financial movement had its beginnings in 1992 with the "Your Money or Your Life" book written by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez. It … [Read more...] about What is the FIRE Movement? (Financial Independence Retire Early)
Saving 10 Percent of Your Income Per Year is NOT Enough
If you want to retire early and you listen to the advice of many financial experts you will NOT achieve your goal. Many experts will tell you to save ten percent of your income and invest in bonds and mutual funds. Another ten percent towards your debt, and just to rub salt in the wound and make you look really stupid, give ten percent away. It would be funny if it wasn't so … [Read more...] about Saving 10 Percent of Your Income Per Year is NOT Enough