So, after jumping through a whole bunch of hoops I finally signed up to the new X. Please do follow me here and let me know some of your favorite dividend investing or FIRE accounts that you follow. I’m new to the whole Twitter/X thing so I’m just fumbling around for now.
My news feed is filled with junk that I don’t want to see for now as I’ve only followed a few finance accounts. Twitter seems to fill the new feed with all sorts of meaningless negative crap that I really don’t need in my life. So I’m hoping that as I follow more interesting accounts and block the things that X shoves down my throat it’ll improve.
I often hear finfluencers (financial influencers) talking about their Twitter accounts so I figured there must be a large community of investing and financial people on there. I’ve not bothered with Pinterest or Instagram as they’re mostly visual and I don’t like Facebook, so X is probably the only social media platform that I’ll join.
If you’re into dividend investing and retiring early do you use any other social media for business news, information or entertainment? Let me know in the comments below and I’ll check them out. Otherwise I’ll probably just stick with Twitter / X.
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