For the last 5 or 6 months I have been buying one share of the credit card company Visa (V) every month. I don't think about whether the stock is undervalued or too expensive, I just buy it and forget about it until next month. It's a habit I want to keep going until I reach at least $20,000 worth of Visa. I mentioned my Visa story here in a recent post and someone said it … [Read more...] about I Buy One Share of Visa (V) Every Month
Being Wealthy
The First $100,000 is the Hardest
Billionaire investor Charlie Munger once said "The first $100,000 is a bitch, but you gotta do it. I don’t care what you have to do.. if it means walking everywhere and not eating anything that wasn’t purchased with a coupon, find a way to get your hands on $100,000. After that, you can ease off the gas a little bit." Unfortunately Mr. Munger won't be sharing anymore of his … [Read more...] about The First $100,000 is the Hardest
ETF Dividend Portfolio Investing Update
Well that's 2023 done and dusted, now lets bring on an amazing 2024. I hope you have achieved most of your investment goals over the past 12 months and I wish you luck with this shiny new year. May the money gods beat you with the lucky stick relentlessly until you achieve financial freedom, freedom from slavery, and you're free to evolve again. My ETF dividend portfolio … [Read more...] about ETF Dividend Portfolio Investing Update
Free People Are Better People
I'm sure they're out there but I have never met a free human being that planned for and worked hard to achieve their freedom who sits on the beach or plays computer games all day everyday. Some might do those things a whole lot more when they first free themselves from the slave system but that gets old pretty quickly. All of the free people I know of live much more meaningful … [Read more...] about Free People Are Better People
How I Value a Stock: Buy and Sell
I'm not saying this is how you should value a stock but am simply sharing how I value the stocks in my portfolio. In fact, this could be a very bad way to value stocks as I'm only interested in broad brushstrokes, trending numbers and I'm always making exceptions, but it works for me. I have also been asked about this stock or that stock, so I figured I would share what I do as … [Read more...] about How I Value a Stock: Buy and Sell
Investing Articles to Retire Early
Below is a list of all the investing articles published on the Money is Choices website. The newest articles are at the top of the page. Full List of Money Articles … [Read more...] about Investing Articles to Retire Early
ETF Index Fund Portfolio Update + Dividends
September was another challenging month for stocks. Since I started this whole ETF investing thing a few months ago I am yet to see an up month! The ETF portfolio value is still increasing each month but only because I'm adding new money and my portfolio size is still quite small. I'm not complaining though as it simply means I'm buying stocks cheaper. This is a forever … [Read more...] about ETF Index Fund Portfolio Update + Dividends
I Call Money “Units of Freedom”
Most of my life I have had mixed feelings about money. Is money good? Is money bad? Do I deserve to have an excess of it? Are those who have money just greedy pigs? Does money make me a better or worse person? And on and on and on. The system has purposely designed it that way too. From the beginning the ruling class could see that money and wealth are actually choices, … [Read more...] about I Call Money “Units of Freedom”